Connecting us with others as we partner together to build the Kingdom of God.
Come make a difference with us and share in what God is doing around the world!

Connecting us with others as we partner together to build the Kingdom of God.
Come make a difference with us and share in what God is doing around the world!
“I was so inspired by the faith, trust and worship of the missionaries in Belize. I went to bless others but came back fuller than I left. I was reminded that a relationship with Christ is simple & pure. Americans allow the distractions around us to steal this simple truth.”
“My first missions trip was to Acuna Mexico to build a house for a family, it was the closest I have ever felt to God. It is impossible to put into words but has changed my life forever to be used by Him and show His love in that way with other believers. To be used by Him is the greatest honor and I'm humbled by the opportunity to do so as He calls me.”
“The beautiful people in Belize were not only served by us, but it was priceless to see how grateful they accepted what God sent us to share. Praying aloud is difficult for me, but only the Holy Spirit could get you out of your comfort zone. Not only did I pray for someone, but I prayed in Spanish for someone who truly needed it. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.”
“Serving along other enthusiastic believers is an awesome experience. Getting to build authentic Christian relationships near and far is the call of the church.”
“Tangibly feeling Jesus use me for His glory is hard to put into words. I loved being able to see first hand how great of an impact simply loving your neighbor can have. Despite the language barrier, we were able to entertain and show Christ’s love to the little girls in El Cajon.”